The school follows the syllabus prescribed by the CBSE, New Delhi. Admission is granted to students from Nursery to Std XII. We aim at educating the child in all aspects. The curriculum includes the following subjects
1. Nursery to Std XII
- English
- Hindi
- Third Language (Gujarati and Sanskrit) (Std. V to VIII)
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Science
- Work Experience (Information Technology, etc)
- Art Education (Painting, Dance, Music, Drama)
- Physical & Health Education
- Yoga
2. Std. XI and XII (Science Stream)
- Main Subjects: English, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Physical Education
3. Std. XI and XII (Commerce Stream)
- Main Subjects: English, Hindi, Informatics Practices, Physical Education, Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics, Applied Mathematics
Number of co-curricular activities are introduced to make the study interesting.